Tuesday 16 April 2013


Our horror trailer ‘The Plague’ is about a disease that has caused the death of many innocents in the past, which returns to a local school infecting few schoolgirls, along with the ghost of a schoolgirl seeking revenge for the death she didn’t deserve.
In the creating of the production I played several roles, some including camera work in scenes one being the birds eye view of one character dead on the floor, this shot helped create a dramatic and scary effect. I had to ensure that my group was always on task and fully equipped. When I wasn’t in the scene acting, I was directing and filming. I used a wide of camera angles this was supported by a checklist of camera angles that my group came up with. Using different angles gave each scene its own twist; it conveyed different emotions and status. The camera angles we used were included; Extreme long shot, long shot, mid shot, close up, extreme close up, birds eye angle, high angle, eye-level angle, low angle, dutch angle, tracking shot, panning and a evangelion shot. The high angle shot can make the subject look small or weak or vulnerable while a low-angle shot is taken from below the subject and has the power to make the subject look powerful or threatening. The extreme close up shot, which has one body part usually, was my eyes in our trailer. While directing I took on aboard everyone’s views and put the surroundings into prospective and thought about what may make the horror trailer more effective. I positioned the actors in a manner that would make the trailer a success and help the actor express their character better. As an actor I had the role of a schoolgirl who saw the ghost of Lisa whom died of the ‘The plaque’ and is back to seek revenge for her death by giving the symptoms of the plague to those who set eyes on her. Being an actor I had to convey a lot of emotion and help make the act believable. Lastly I contributed in the editing of the trailer and help finding, picking and putting in the sound effects. All the roles I played in this production were important and crucial to it becoming a success.
 The lessons at school were used for the planning, research and filming of the scenes for our trailer.

Horror films often deal with the viewer's nightmares, hidden fears and terror of the unknown. Horror film is a genre that aims to create a sense of fear, panic, alarm, and dread for the audience. Horror films usually center on the arrival of an evil force, person, or event. Many Horror films include mythical creatures such as ghosts, vampires, and zombies. The horror genre includes a wide variety of sub-genres within it such as, Monster-Horror; a Monster film is sub-genre of Horror that centers on a struggle between human beings and a monsters. Often, the monster in the film has been created in an ‘experiment gone wrong.’ The monster usually serves as a villain, and the film portrays a hero or heroine that ultimately saves the world from the monster. Slasher; slasher is a Horror film that revolves around a psychopathic killer. This killer stalks and murders his victims in extremely violent and memorable ways.
Zombie-Horror; Zombie film is a sub-genre of Horror film that portrays mindless human beings who are raised from the dead. These films often include a Zombie invasion, and center around Zombies feasting on human flesh. Psychological, (surreal) this subgenre is usually written from a tight viewpoint. Is the protagonist really seeing terrible things, perhaps battling against demonic possession. The subgenre that we choose was supernatural. These stories focus on various types of monster from the ‘beyond’ and are back to ruin the lives of a suffering humanity. Ending up in some characters going mad and most dying. Conventions we used in our horror trailers were: blood, isolated settings, evil, screams, darkness, ghost, deaths, and disease. The movie ‘Woman in black’ inspired us because it uses a supernatural killer. Also it explores the theme of revenge, which is relevant to our trailer as the killer ‘Lisa’ seeks revenge for having her life taken away at such a young age, whereas teenagers today carry on living with their lives. Another similar aspect is that the woman in black only takes lives when she is seen which is how the deaths of our characters occur when they see ‘Lisa.’ Before we started filming as a group we decided to make a blog in which we all could take turns and contribute ideas to about the production. We believed getting our ideas done before we film would help us get a good idea about what we had to do and what our plot and everything was about. We decided on costume, camera angles, plot and location before we started any filming. I believe my group overcame any problems and difficulties by discussing it and agreeing on a solution that was fine with everyone. During editing we learnt really quickly about the effects and what would go well to make it scary. The only problems were the fact we had to share the laptop with another group and their work went on to save during our lesson times making us lose some editing time but we overcame this by coming after school. Time was a big problem. With music, my whole group took turns in listening to the music that each of us found as we thought it was suitable and decided on the ones that were appropriate. We picked out the times and scenes that they should be put on, same with the sound effects.

Overall, I believe my group worked really well together, we overcame any problems by discussing it and wasn’t afraid to speak out if we wasn’t happy with the decisions that were made. We solved them by discussing it and finding new solutions that everyone was on board with. My favourite scene in this trailer is the quick cut shots of Halana standing in the dark theatre facing away from the ghost figure of Vesa (Lisa) whom is behind her but every scene where it is cut she comes closer to Halana and on the 3rd scene she is right behind Halana. This scene makes the viewer jumpy and gives it the horror atmosphere to the trailer. Also Vesa’s make up makes it scarier and suits the situation. We showed the 3 victims as friends and typical teenagers, also we showed other students walking around to a show typical school in our trailer and we showed the killer to be alone and emotionless in every scene.

Wednesday 27 February 2013


In the creating of the production I played several roles, some including camera work in scenes one being the birds eye view of one character dead on the floor, this shot helped create a dramatic and scary effect. I had to ensure that my group was always on task and fully equipt 

Friday 25 May 2012

Kiss Kiss

The mise-en-scene of this video is that its set in school which is revelent to the facts that Chris brown is shown to be a student. This appeals to the  age group it is aimed at and Chris brown is a young artist therefore he is portrayed as a student. An American high school consists of many different type of people that are classified as a group therefore you see little clips of each stereotype such as skateboarders, geeks and jocks. T-pain whom features in the song is given the character of an radio DJ, he is in a studio wearing sunglasses and a baseball jacket. The sunglasses may be worn to give out a fashion statement or show his status as high as you cant fully tell someones expression. Chris brown is characterised in two very different prospectives, one of his characters is a jock, they use props such as cars and he wears sunglasses which is not for protection from the sun as his in the building. Also he is seen to be wearing the similar clothes as his popular friends which show they are the popular kids and follow one trend, they are wearing the same colours. The other character is a geek he is wearing glasses and shown to be holding paper in his hands also he is wearing a shirt which is not considered 'cool'. Al throughout the video the girls in the video are shown to be wearing short clothing which is appealing to the opposite sex and they are used as a an icon or rewards. They are clearly placed there to look pretty. Some parts of the video is shot in the 'playground' where the popular kids are playing football they have used the lifestyle of an American student fully to suit the stereotypes. The video uses alot of close up shots which may indicate the persons important and has many different shots to show the busy lifestyle of a student. Most scenes have alot going on so the camera tries to keep track.

Friday 20 January 2012

Advertisment Campaigns-Le Paradis de Nina, NINA RICCI.

The advert starts of with the fairy tale/ paradise based story-line shown inside a magical crystal ball which are most commonly associated with magic and things out of this world, it is shown as if  the model who's face is reflected on the crystal ball is dreaming of her fantasy life or of her paradise In which we are all invited. This makes the audience automatically more involved and interested as they believe they are entering a magical pure world. The snow connotates purity, innocence and  nature. The sound effect of the chimes that last few seconds get you ready for the journey or the world you are entering. A beautiful model is seen opening a door with excitement and curiosity. She is wearing a fairy-tail like puffy dress which suits well with the theme. The background music consists of what seems like heavy breathing and opera singing. This reflects on the simplicity of the presented product and the products been shown in just a girl based light making the target audience very clear unlike other perfumes whom turn to the sex appeal. The camera movement: point of view is used in which you see what the model would be seeing so you too can share the experience. Long shot is also used which able's the viewer to examine the white walls and floor and you begin to notice the room has many windows which show that its not as if your trapped and shows escape. If the windows were not included perhaps the audience might've felt claustrophobic and as if they were trapped. After you stop analyzing the background the pile of apples placed under a white leafless tree becomes very obvious. The symbol of apple is very commonly used as it represents the product itself. On the tree you being to realize there is indeed a glowing apple which calls out to the audience and make them want to reach out for it too. I think this concept relates back to Adam and Eve and the forbidden apple as the glowing apple looks irresistible and from a very young age we have all had hints apples may not all be pure but also can contain a dark side as fairy tales used it to try and poison a loved character, 'Snow White.' The glowing apple looks special as if all the others were not good and fell of the tree but only one remain and who wouldn't want the most delicious, tastiest  apple right? No one likes a rotten one. You then see the excited character face reflects on the apple that looks very appealing. She then charges towards the apples which are a pathway to the apple that still remains on the tree. The model looks as if she is under a spell, like she cant get her eyes off the apple. As the audience you also feel as if its calling out to you. She then quickly but flawlessly climbs the apples to reach to the top and then reaches out to the apple, this makes the audience proud of the models achievement. A voice over that sounds like the voice of a young, innocent, flirty girl which seems like the ideal person who would buy this product introduces the product she says 'The new magical fragrance by Nina Ricci.' This is effective as the word 'new' makes the viewer think this product is new therefore i must get it before my friends have it or the thought of being one of the first ones to discover and get the new product pleases them. Also the phrase 'magical' goes well with the advert and the product as they both have a very out of this world fantasy vibe to it. I believe the advert is attractive to its target audience and has made a appealing advert.   

The model in this ad uses direct mode of address to capture the audience’s attention. Direct mode of address is when the person in the image looks straight in the reader’s eyes catching their attention instantly as the viewer feels that they are somehow involved and also that the products for them personally. The camera angle long shot has been used, this able's the audience to see what exactly the model is wearing and also the background which goes with the theme of the product advertised.The Model Ruslana Korshunova is wearing a beautiful long puffy pink dress which makes her look pure, innocent and girly. She's sitting on the floor of a all white decorated room which relates back to the products name "le paradis" meaning paradise. There are very few colours used making this ad simple and not complicated. The colour pink which is used goes well with the product as it is presented in a pink apple shaped bottle and the colour pink is seen as a very 'girly' colour.'The colour which is commonly linked to paradise is white as its believed to be a clean, pure and a natural colour. This ad doesn't use the sex appeal which most products run to now but has gone for the fairytale approach. According to Maslows heirarachy this adverts target to the group Aspirers, this means they are materialistic, acquisitive people who are driven by others perceptions of them rather than by their own values meaning they like to flow the trend and not set it. As a result they respond to what others perceive as being superficial: image,appearance,persona, charisma and fashion. An attractive pack is as important to them as its contents. Their core need in life is status.This products target audience is female teenagers and adults around the ages 17-40.They have a high income they are modern, professional love what they do and are creative.Has high interest in fashion, they have a sophisticated comfortable style and wont complain about price as long as they get what they were promised for. They properly are regular magazine readers, magazines such as 'elle' and are loyal to this brand. According to Goffman Theory Females often are represented in a negativee way.Males are usually potrayed as intellegent and appear to be in dominant positions whereas Women are portrayed in sexual or revieling manner. In my advert the sex appeal is not used this is due to the target audience.The Female is represented as a 'bimbo.' This is a phrase used to describe women whom depend on their look and dont have a very high mental capaciity or find it in theyre favour to act stupid. She looks navie which is how women are mostly protrayed, this is dependent on her facial expression, the smile on her face doesnt suggest shes very independant and looks flirty. Her face is the focal point therefore shes there for appreance this suggests society has no respect for woman, the impact of adverts and media has got to people more than we'd like.

 Le Paradis de Nina, coloured in pale pink, with silver decorations on its flacon.This bottle has a very flirty pure and natural look to it. The apple-shaped bottle makes the product look feminine because most male perfumes are square and boxy, whereas females perfumes have a much curvier, sleeker bottleThe shape of the apple has been chosen in a very clever way as apple usually represents beauty and it has a little twist to it as the person who owns this bottle not only is as 'pure' as the product but also has a dark side to it as for the apple in adam and eve. The bottle is placed in the middle of the page which able's us to see the chosen background used which has a theme of paradise. The light, soft pink stands out in the all white background. The products name is presented in its product colour which is pink but in a darker shade which goes well with the white background and makes the writing stand out. The font 'Le Paradis de Nina' has a very flowy girly look to it which makes it look a bit flirty whereas the products name 'NINA RICCI' is written in a very simple commonly used font.

Level Response.

I am not happy about the marking scheme and i believe strongly that i deserve a A if not a A*
Futhermore I have infact finished all my work but i will try harder. Thank you for your hard work. I am waiting for the moment you change my level, PEACE OUT

Friday 13 January 2012

Appeals in Adverising.

This advert consistes of fear, humour and music appeal.
Uses dark and subtle humour, the ‘Never say no to Panda’ concept is revealed by showing people refusing to eat Panda cheese. They then nervously look towards a life-size Panda, who stares blankly back at them accompanied by Buddy Holly’s 'True Love Ways', before the Panda proceeds to smash things up.

This advert consistes of humour,personal and music Appeal.