Friday 25 May 2012

Kiss Kiss

The mise-en-scene of this video is that its set in school which is revelent to the facts that Chris brown is shown to be a student. This appeals to the  age group it is aimed at and Chris brown is a young artist therefore he is portrayed as a student. An American high school consists of many different type of people that are classified as a group therefore you see little clips of each stereotype such as skateboarders, geeks and jocks. T-pain whom features in the song is given the character of an radio DJ, he is in a studio wearing sunglasses and a baseball jacket. The sunglasses may be worn to give out a fashion statement or show his status as high as you cant fully tell someones expression. Chris brown is characterised in two very different prospectives, one of his characters is a jock, they use props such as cars and he wears sunglasses which is not for protection from the sun as his in the building. Also he is seen to be wearing the similar clothes as his popular friends which show they are the popular kids and follow one trend, they are wearing the same colours. The other character is a geek he is wearing glasses and shown to be holding paper in his hands also he is wearing a shirt which is not considered 'cool'. Al throughout the video the girls in the video are shown to be wearing short clothing which is appealing to the opposite sex and they are used as a an icon or rewards. They are clearly placed there to look pretty. Some parts of the video is shot in the 'playground' where the popular kids are playing football they have used the lifestyle of an American student fully to suit the stereotypes. The video uses alot of close up shots which may indicate the persons important and has many different shots to show the busy lifestyle of a student. Most scenes have alot going on so the camera tries to keep track.