Friday 30 September 2011

This music videos based on having a good time, partying and drinking alchohol. This is shown as a documentry of the singer rihanna.This intrests the veiwer as they get a insight of the singer behind the stage and on tour.This video shows the otherside of rihanna you see her in a more calm climate and her childish fun side.Throughout there seems to be alot of close up shots of rihanna this shows that theres more to rihanna then just perfomring it also shows of her emotions better and shows off her features.Also theres alot of shakey movement of the camera this gives the conotation of a home video this brings the audicence closer to the singer,  also makes you feel like your part of the journey by the use of tracking shot.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Louis Vuitton

Connotation of this image is that there's a beautiful model wearing a revealing swimwear sitting on a boat while looking at the beautiful view as she holds a Louis Vuitton bag in her arm. This in my view this shows of her "feminine" side as she looks attractive slim and sexy which may seem like an ideal figure for some therefore putting her in a swimwear catches the attention of the female and also male population. This can also make the audience think perhaps if they owned a accessory like that they somehow can look something along the line of that.
The model's on a boat looking at her surrounding, the view around her looks relaxing and you can automatically tell she is rich or has a good income as Louis Vuitton is a well known brand and not only that you can see from the way she's sititng,her expression and the glasses makes her look higher class. The setting is used in a very clever way it relaxes the audience and makes them want to trade places.The bag represents itself its very in your face you like it more every-time you look at it therefore this ad has done its job perfectly well.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Media Studies Genre Homework

Wild Child: Genre: Teen film/Romance
- Bitchy behavior
- Spoilt girl
- New school
- Enemies
- Money
- Clothes
- Happy ending

Media Studies Genre Homework

Friends With Benefits: Genre: Comedy/Romance
- Predictable ending
- Love
- Relationship
- Funny situations
- Hate
- Rivalry
- Sex

Media Studies Genre Homework

Step up: Genre: Music/Romance
- Music
- Dance
- Crime
- Love
- Dreams
- Friendship
- Big performance

Media Studies Genre Homework

Harry potter and the goblet of fire: Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
- Constant element of danger
- Binary codes
- Magic
- Danger
- Adventure
- Quest
- Death and after life

Media Studies Genre Homework

Finding nemo: Genre: Adventure
- Quest
- Rescuing
- Dangerous
- Traveling great distance
- Abduction
- Camaraderie
- Tragedy

Media Studies Genre Homework

The Grudge: Genre: Horror
- Mysterious supernatural curse
- Spirits
- Horrifying and mysterious deaths
- Possessed victims
- Tense music
- Silence/pauses
- Suspense

Friday 16 September 2011

Media Studies Genre Homework

The Hangover: Genre: Comedy
-Stupid events
-Fast tempo Music
-Fancy hotel
-Bachelor party
-Funny fat character