Tuesday 13 December 2011

Hello! Magazine Analysis

The target audiences for the magazine ‘HELLO!’ are generally women in their late twenties to forties. Probably many are married. Women who are curious in celebrity life-styles and don’t like to commit to reading a book but are looking for a quick read to fill up their limited free time. Many may have kids that they look after so reading a magazine seems appealing when the child is off at school or is taking a nap. They’re ideal holiday is planned for the whole family and not a quick weekend away as they have boundaries and commitments.

The masthead ‘Hello!’ is in a large, bold font and the colour contrasts against the background so it stands out. They have placed the date, issue number and price underneath the title as it would be the next thing the consumer will notice and they would be interested in this information. By using the exclamation mark the name seems urgent and as if it holds lethal information. The name is nice and simple.

The main focused image is of Victoria Beckham and her daughter Harper.It is a medium close up; having a medium close up is clever because it enables the reader to see not only the celebrities face but also some of what they are wearing.Also she’s wearing sunglasses, which makes her look mysterious as you can’t see her eyes also she looks fashionable and like a trendsetter.

The word‘exclusive’ used on the top right hand of the page makes the reader feel as if they are getting the best deal from the magazine and that no other magazines will have the same information; this is used to hook the readers in.Also the reader feels important when they receive the following information.

The layout of this magazine is very simple and relaxed, not so gossip packed. This reflects on the older generations social life styles as they like to take things calm and not in your face type of magazines, which use bright colours and crowd the cover with a lot of similar

Star Magazine Analysis

The target audience for the magazine ‘Star’ is teens and young adults. The typical women who’d read this particular magazine are the ones who watch TV Reality shows such as “Only Way is Essex” and don’t miss an episode of X-Factor. This Magazine is biased on celebrities therefore the reader loves gossip, a TV addict and also is curious about what goes on in other lives that are more fortunate than them. They have a working class income. They’re jobs may include being a receptionist or a secretary, in their break or spare time read magazines such as ‘Star.’ Most common phone used by them may be a Blackberry in which case they’d be on both Facebook and BBM all day. They’re dream holiday can include a weekend in party places such as Ibiza with few close friends.

The masthead ‘Star’ is bold, clear and stands out. The chosen colour of it is red this is effective as the background white contrasts with the dark shadowy outline of the title. The masthead is located near the middle of the page this is a result of the page having a very busy structure and is very gossip packed. Also the masthead reflects what the magazine’s about. Celebrities are also known as ‘Stars.’ The reason behind this may be that they are ‘above’ the average person or that they’re talents shine.

The crowded layout of this magazine conatates the readers busy, action packed lives.

The images used consist of glamorous celebrities and their ‘struggle’ or ‘happiness’ in their lives. The people used will all be familiar and well known to the reader. They’re used in order to draw in the reader and make them interested in that one story in order for them to buy it.

Colour scheme contains colours such as green, white, red and yellow. Red and yellow are primary colours and green is very vibrant and eye-catching. These work in favor of the magazine as it catches the attention of the public.

This magazine has sell lines that appeal to the chosen target audience for example most include something to do with love and its represented in not a very romantic but interesting way. ’I DO STILL LOVE MARK..WE’LL GET MARRIED NEXT YEAR.’ For instance if I was a fan of I’m a celebrity get me out of here this story would interest me I’d read on to perhaps see the response of ‘Mark’ or further interview from the person who said it. At the bottom of the page a small section called ‘Plus!’ catches the eye having an exclamation mark makes it seem urgent and as if you must see what the stories below are about.